Donate Now Request Grant
1246 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: 916-454-9884
Fax: 916-454-9882
Email: admin@coa.org
Foundation Projects
- Community outreach and education
- Increasing public awareness of appropriate and timely MSK care
- Disrupt the traditional gatekeeper model to help ensure appropriate and more timely referrals to orthopaedic surgeons
- Reducing disparities in accessing MSK care – age/social economics/gender/lack of insurance
- Supporting orthopaedic research – collaborating with OREF
- Promoting orthopaedics to medical students
- Standardizing protocols for simple procedures – urgent care
- Helping patients with out-of-pocket costs
- Encourage training of ancillary personnel to assist in orthopaedic offices – PA/NP/AT
- Working with existing associations/foundations promoting MSK well-being.